

Frequently asked questions

I connected my keyboard but it doesn't appear in the I/O menu

Make sure that other software accessing the midi ports are closed before you open Spectral Piano.

Does this software work on Mac or Linux?

No, at this time only Windows 10 and 11 is supported.

Can my computer run this software?

This software should run on most modern cpus with integrated graphics (intel 3rd gen and up). If you have an older processor or do not have a discrete gpu you may need to reduce the number of visual effects. To be certain you can download the trial version and try it on your computer.

Can I test the software before purchasing?

Yes, a trial version is available. Visit the `download` page to get it.

How can I reduce the audio latency?

In the application settings menu, select 'audio driver' and choose the 'wasapi' option. This has been preconfigured to have the lowest possible latency.

Loading Songs


Select a single or thousands of files from your computer. Currently mxl file loading is in beta mode and does not support rolling chords and jumps (coda, dc, fine, ds). There is no option to edit notes so it is recommended to edit mxl files in musescore if you are not satisfied with the tempo or dynamics. If you encounter an issue loading an mxl file please email us.


If you want to lower your computer's gpu and cpu usage follow these tips:


Turn off key lights, sky lights and set shadows to zero. You can also turn off the spot light if you set a light background and have transparent keys.


Reduce or turn off particles.

Post Processing

Reduce or turn off post processing effects.

Frame rate

In the settings menu set the framerate to "half".


Control the particle effects when keys are activated


Sets the key pressure required for activation. This allows particles to be launched based on dynamics, which can give more interesting and varied effects. Keep it at zero if you want particles to always be emitted.

Burst mode

(toggle) When burst mode is selected particles are launched at the moment the note starts. In contrast, continuous spawn mode launches particles during the entire duration the key is pressed.

Color styles

Choose between three color options: default colors, custom mono color, or random colors

Unlit Particles

Unlit particle presets are not self illuminating, and require a light source (sky lights, or spot light). This is useful for making more realistic smoke effects for example (unlit smoke).


Your particle effects can be saved by creating a visual preset. This preset contain your current particle settings along with all other visual settings.

Note Visualizer

Notes are represented as 'falling blocks' and have the following parameters that can be adjusted:

Material Style

Surface material (solid, smokey, wavey etc..).

Color Type

The color type of the note blocks: 1. Key: the current effect colors (which can be gradient, solid, or adjustable for the key type (black/white keys)) 2. Custom: a color of your choice 3. Hands: Left and right hand colors (for songs that were loaded from .mxl files)


Curviness of the note blocks.


The speed at which the note blocks fall to the keys.


The width of note block.


In 3D mode the rotation can be changed so the notes fall along the z or y axis.


Transparent fade to the note blocks based on distance to the keys (adjustable opacity, distance).

Hide On Impact

Note blocks can be hidden or visible after striking key (when visible they will continue to fall as the piece progresses).


Time in seconds from when note visuals begin moving towards the keys and the first note is played.


Brightness of the note block material.

Note Name

Displays the pitch of the note (c,d,e,f,g,a,b).

Post Processing Effects

Color Filter

A color filter for the display.


Bloom effect for brightly lit objects.


Lighten and darken the environment.

Lens Flare

Flare effect for brightly lit objects (flare distance, intensity).

Chromatic Aberation

Chromatic aberation effect to the display (intensity).

Video Export

Create videos of your playing.

Frame rate

The frame rate can be adjusted to your liking. Most monitors have framerate of 60, which is the recommended value if you plan to share on youtube. Note that the higher frame rates result in much larger file sizes.


At the moment the maximum resolution is determined by your monitor. To select a resolution go to application settings.

Bit rate

The bit rate determines the video quality and the size of the file. The value you choose represents the maximum bit rate (the actual bit rate will depend on resolution and frame rate).


Add a black fade to the start and end of the video.

Wait duration

Set how much time you want to wait after the final note is played and before the video ends, or fade to black starts.

End black screen

Add a black screen to the end. This is useful for YT end screens if you want to display other videos.


There are 3 audio options: (custom file, built in, or none). Note - if you choose a custom file (.mp3, or .wav) the first note must start at time zero (to correctly sync with video). Also note that in "built in" mode audio clipping (distortion) can occur if the volume is set too high.

Midi Output

You may want to output the midi to a DAW such as Abelton. To do this a virtual midi application is required. Download Loop Midi and create a virtual midi port.